Balance Service

Inner Ear Balance

Inner Ear Balance

How does our balance system work?

The balance system as a whole is made up three inputs:

  • Information from the balance organs in the inner ears.
  • Visual information from your eyes
  • Proprioceptive information from your legs and muscles

The brain combines information from each of these inputs to tell us where we are in relation to our environment and whether we are still or moving. A problem with one or more of these inputs can cause us to feel imbalanced or dizzy.

The balance organs:

Each inner ear contains one balance (vestibular) organ. These inform your brain of the movements and positions of your head. Each organ has three fluid-filled semicircular canals which detect rotational movement of your head and two otolith organs which detect linear movement.

What can I do?

If you have a problem with your balance or dizziness, then please seek the advice of your GP. They may refer your directly to Chime, or to an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor.

Your GP will want to know:

  • Details of the first episode of your symptoms (when did it start, what were the symptoms)
  • How often the symptoms occur
  • How long each episode lasts
  • If you experience other symptoms e.g. hearing loss, tinnitus, fullness in the ear
  • Whether there is anything that triggers or makes your symptoms worse