Hearing Tests with Chime

Hearing Consultations at the CHC

Wheter you're in need of a new hearing aid, looking for some swimming ear plugs or require ear wax removal, Chime Hearing Centre is on hand to help with all your hearing needs. Our experts have over 7 years worth of experience delivering the highest quality hearing services in Exeter and the surrounding areas.

Before the start of any treatment or service, we undertake a professional consultation to understand more about your situation, your needs and how Chime can help you and your hearing. Lets take a look and see what is involved in a hearing consultation when you visit the Chime Hearing Centre...

Hearing Consultations

Many people are curious about their hearing, whether they know they suffer from hearing loss or want to know if they do, hearing consultations are helping people to identify hearing issues early on. 

Hearing loss is a gradual degradation of the hearing and one that can be difficult to notice. It is common for family and friends to notice hearing loss before the individual. Therefore, it is so important to book a hearing consultation or hearing test. There are no downsides to knowing what your hearing thresholds are.

Hearing Consultations are carried out at our purpose-built hearing facility in sound-proofed rooms at the Chime Hearing Centre in Queen Street Exeter.

At Chime you can get a hearing test via the NHS by being referred to us for a hearing test by your GP, alternatively you can book your hearing test directly at the Commercial Section with an HCPC registered audiologist.


At the hearing consultation you will have the opportunity to discuss your hearing difficulties with our highly qualified audiologists. A short medical history will be completed, as well as an otoscopic examination of each ear. A pure tone audiometry (hearing test) will be conducted. This will find the threshold levels of a range of frequencies, the extent and type of loss if present.

The audiologist will be able to explain the results of your hearing test identifying any potential hearing loss and discuss with you all the options for you to consider. It does not always mean that hearing aids are the best solution.

There is no obligation throughout the hearing consultation, but you will have a lot more information about your hearing to continue. If you would like to book in then do not hesitate to get in contact with one of our hearing experts today!