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The Importance of Raising Awareness of Hearing Loss

Posted on 2018-05-16 14:47:00 in General

Hearing loss can happen to anyone, but is often less understood and spoken about than other limiting conditions. Older people tend to be more susceptible, with 3 out of 4 people over the age of 70 experiencing difficulties with their hearing, mostly due to changes in the inner ear that occur as we age. It is, however, possible for people of all ages to find themselves suffering from a loss of hearing, be that temporary or permanent, caused by a range of factors from genetics, infection, the environment and many more.

Almost everyone will be affected by hearing loss at some point in their lives, either directly or through someone that they know. For this reason, it is especially important to raise awareness so that people young and old can learn about their hearing health and ensure that it stays the best that it can be. Whether this is through the implementation of preventative measures to ensure the preservation of existing hearing, or the improvement of limited hearing using new pioneering technologies.

As well as improving people’s knowledge of their own aural health, raising awareness is important for a number of additional reasons:

  • To educate people both hearing and non-hearing and eradicate any possible stigmas - ensuring the deaf community isn’t left isolated.
  • To continue to improve communications and technology for people with hearing loss and to develop a deeper understanding.
  • To continue pushing forward with developing new technology that can further improve the lives of those with hearing loss.

There are a number of charities working to raise awareness of the difficulties faced by people with hearing loss. Many also run national events, providing a platform for focus on the key issues and research that is taking place, as well as the latest new technologies available. One of these is the Action on Hearing Loss’ Deaf Awareness Week, which aims to educate people on hearing loss whilst also challenging people’s perceptions of hearing loss and deafness across the UK.

Taking place from the 14th-20th May 2018, Deaf Awareness Week encompasses a host of exciting events, from comedy nights to fundraisers. Amongst this excitement is a more serious goal, to improve people’s understanding of hearing loss and eradicate negative or limited perceptions, thus improving understanding and communication between those who hear and those with hearing loss.

Action on Hearing produce a wealth of informative materials for Deaf Awareness Week, such as communications skills cards that help to educate people on how to be “deaf aware”. Throughout the week social media users can also look out for the “I definitely can” campaign, where they can expect to find inspirational stories from people who have dealt with deafness or hearing loss, serving to address misconceptions and also inspire others with limited hearing

Here at Chime, we are always excited to get on board with furthering the awareness of hearing impairments and the development of new life-changing technologies. If you would like to learn more about hearing loss and deaf awareness, take a look at the Action on Hearing Loss website for all information relating to Deaf Awareness Week, the events taking place and the initiatives behind them. Our website also provides a wealth of information on hearing loss and the hearing aid options that are available.

For further reading click on the following article Statistics About Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids.

The Importance of Raising Awareness of Hearing Loss