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Phil Johnston


Leadership opportunities: Chair and Trustees @ Chime Hearing Foundation

Posted on 2023-10-03 15:45:00 in General

Chime Hearing Foundation is looking for a new Chair and also a new Trustee of our charity.

If you think you have the skills to take this charity forward for the coming years or know someone who may be interested in this voluntary leadership role, meeting as a team 3-4 times a year, please let us know by contacting Pete Macklin, Chime Finance Director and member of the Chime Hearing Foundation Board.

Pete can be directly contacted at

We are seeking individuals with the passion for hearing, experience, interest, and skills to take the charity forward to the next level of impact.

About Chime

Chime Social Enterprise is the UK’s leading not-for-profit hearing care service with a present focus in delivering excellence in hearing care in Exeter and East Devon.

About Chime Hearing Foundation

In 2021 we set up the Chime Hearing Foundation to help relieve those who suffer from hearing loss through the provision of grants or other financial assistance, the provision of equipment and facilities to enhance their hearing, not available through NHS funds, so the charity helps to provide hearing accessories and services that support people where NHS services are not possible.

The Chime Hearing Foundation gives 100% of the donations to people requiring help with their hearing including hearing tests, hearing aids, and much more! 

Our Just Giving site, including biographies of the leadership team, can be found here:

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