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Phil Johnston


Chime Double Finalists in the Social Enterprise UK Awards 2023

Posted on 2023-09-04 12:01:00 in General

Chime are finalists once again in yet another national award, the 4th national award in the last 12 months. This time Chime has been shortlisted as a finalist in two categories in the prestigious Social Enterprise UK Awards.

The two categories are:

  • Best Public Services Social Enterprise Award, and
  • Prove It : Best Social Impact Award.

Winners will be announced at a ceremony in London in late November 2023. These national awards attracted over 400 applications across 15 categories from 226 social enterprises.

In the last 12 months Chime has been a national award finalist winner in the NHS England CSO Awards: Excellence in Healthcare Science Awards 2022. In addition, Chime has been a national finalist in the Integrated Health & Care Awards 2023 and also in the Best Not for Profit organisation in the UK HSJ Partnership Awards 2023.

Jonathan Parsons, Chime Managing Director, said: "We are delighted and thrilled that Chime has been shortlisted in two categories for the SEUK awards 2023.

There is a national spotlight on NHS Audiology at the moment and twelve years on from having spun out it feels like now is the time when we are getting real traction elsewhere around the UK. It is especially meaningful for Chime to be recognised in this way by our peers in the Social Enterprise world".

Peter‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌ Holbrook, Chief Executive of Social Enterprise UK said, “Our Awards are the ultimate showcase of the impact and excellence of social enterprises. ‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌These finalists are a beacon of innovation, optimism and resilience. As ‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌trailblazers and standard-setters for better business, we look forward to celebrating the finalists at our Awards ceremony in late November"

Chime Double Finalists in the Social Enterprise UK Awards 2023