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Q&A With Kayleigh, our Trainee Audiologist

Posted on 2020-02-17 15:40:00 in General

Chime and the University Centre of South Devon (UCSD) have a long-standing partnership and have recently launched their new Hearing Aid Audiology course together. We sat down with Kayleigh, a trainee audiologist currently in the midst of completing an apprenticeship with Chime through the UCSD, to find out her thoughts on the experience so far.

What made you interested in particularly choosing a course that partnered with Chime?

I started working for Chime in 2017, as an admin officer - which was mainly reception work. I was told then that I was very good with patients and they offered me an apprenticeship. After one interview, I got given the opportunity and I really enjoyed working at Chime and still do - it’s really comfortable here and everyone is so supportive and friendly.

Do you feel that working with Chime has been beneficial to your education?

Absolutely. I think what I valued most about the course was the amount of time spent in the clinic. I feel like it’s best to learn by doing and it’s such a great experience being able to be hands-on in this industry.

What made you interested in becoming an audiologist?

I was interested in both science and art growing up and I followed the art path when I was younger. However, after coming here, I found I was interested in everything they did: seeing patients, technology and diagnostics. After that, I started thinking that maybe this was the path for me.

What would you say the best part of working with Chime has been?

The people I work with. I’ve made some great friends and it’s a really strong team. Everyone helps each other and it’s always very enjoyable coming in to work, with some days even feeling like I’m not even at work.

What would you recommend to someone who’s interested in audiology and wants to work with Chime?

Joining an audiology course is one thing, but joining an audiology course with Chime is another because it’s basically like being in a family here. Everyone is so willing to help and I think that’s because they’re so close-knit. I feel like it’s so easy to approach people in this organization; even the people you don’t see often, you can instantly strike up a conversation with and feel very welcome.

How would you describe your experience with Chime?

Overwhelmingly positive.